Black and blue含义:被暴打了一顿,脸上青一块紫一块。形容打架斗殴或是练拳擦掌的时候都能用得到。【例句】After Sam lost the wrestling match he was black and blue.山姆摔跤比赛结束后(脸上)青一块紫一块的。Black sheep of the family含义:一群白羊里面就你一只黑的,这种家族画风和别人明显不一样的就可以说“Black sheep of the family“——注意了,和我们传统意义上说的”鹤立鸡群“不一样,这个词组是带有贬义的。【例句】My sisters are so successful. One is a doctor, the other is an engineer but I'm the black sheep of the family. My parents hate me sometimes because I get pretty bad grades. :(我的姐姐都很成功:一个是医生,另一个是工程师,只有我是“坏了一锅汤的老鼠屎”——我的父母有时候真的很讨厌我,因为我成绩差的不行。Black tie event含义:至非常正式的活动或是宴会——男性常被要求西装革履,女性则是款款长裙。【例句】The Oscars is one of the world’s most famous black tie events.奥斯卡是全世界最出名的盛装场合。Out of the blue含义:出乎意料,所料不及。【例句】One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving.有一天,她出人意料地宣布她要离开了。Catch someone red-handed含义:干坏事被人抓包了。【例句】Tom was stealing the car when the police drove by and caught him red-handed.汤姆正在偷车的时候被路过的警察抓个正着。To paint the town red含义:出去浪,参加派对浪浪浪~【例句】They were out painting the town red last night.昨晚他们都出去耍了~Roll out the red carpet含义:隆重欢迎热烈欢迎。这个俚语源自好莱坞。当明星盛装出场、走红毯被众生包围欢呼之时,生动形象的刻画了这个俚语。【例句】They were ready to roll out the red carpet when they heard that a celeb was in their city until they realized he was not the real McCoy.听说名人来到他们所在的城市时,他们准备隆重欢迎一下的,结果发现来的不是本人。Green thumb含义:有园艺天赋。【例句】Jillian has quite a green thumb; look at her tomato patch!吉莉安很有园艺天赋;看看她的土豆地呀!