The game, Travel Frog, is about a cute frog going on trips from timeto time. It is actually aboutindependence.Youcan name your frog but he is just a friend, rather than a companion or a pet.His mission is more about travelling on his own and discover his own self.最近身边都在《旅行青蛙》,这是一款休闲小游戏。主角是一只可爱的小青蛙,玩家可以给它取名字,通过收集三叶草去商城买东西,有食物、幸运符、道具,青蛙带着这些东西就会出门旅行,然后旅行途中会邮寄照片,回来还会带回来当地的土特产。英文中有好多跟青蛙有关的英文表达,我们游戏之余,一起来学英语吧! 1. have a frog in (one's) throathave a frog in (one's) throat:To feel as though something is caught or stuck in one's throat. Could refer to actual hoarseness or the inability tospeak due to fear.也许因为青蛙的叫声并不好听,所以当人们觉得喉咙不适,仿佛有什么东西卡在喉咙里,或声音嘶哑,就可以说“仿佛喉咙里有只青蛙”。【例如】 I have such a frog in my throat from this cold that I can barely talk!我感冒了喉咙像卡着东西,说不出话。 2. a big frog in a small ponda big frog in a small pond:A situation in which one person has more power, influence, knowledge, or experience than others within a smallgroup. It often implies that the person may not have as much clout in "a bigger pond,"从字母意思上看,a big frog in a small pond就是一个大青蛙在一个小池塘里。有的时候,我们也可以把frog换成fish。这个短语表示小地方里的大人物。【例如】Since she was so popular and well-known within the walls of her small high school, Jennifer was used to being a big frog in a small pond.因为詹尼菲在高中非常出名,很受欢迎,她已经习惯了做一个小咖(小地方里的大明星)。3. the biggest frog in the puddleThe most powerful, influential, knowledgeable, or experienced person within a small group. This phrase often impliesthat the person may not have as much clout in a larger group or arena of some kind.“puddle”的意思是小水坑。所以这句话和刚刚一句的意思一样,表示小水坑里最厉害的青蛙,也表示一个小集团当中最重要的那个人。【例如】His coarse management style has made it evident that he was used to being the biggest frog in the puddle.他蹩脚的管理方法证明他已经习惯了宁做鸡头不做凤尾。 4. boiling frogA problematic situation that will gradually increase in severity until it reaches calamitous proportions, such that thepeople involved or affected by it will not notice the danger until it is too late to act. It is a metaphor taken from ananecdotal parable about boiling a frog, in which a frog placed in boiling water will immediately try to save itself, butone placed in cool water that is gradually brought to a boil will not notice the heat until it is boiled to death.煮蛙效应。【例如】Drug addiction is often a boiling frog, as many people don't see their addiction as problematic until it has consumed their lives.吸毒成瘾就像温水煮青蛙,人们直到无法自拔才意识到问题的严重性。