英语俚语在日常生活中的运用十分广泛,与时间相关的俚语又是经常出现的高频词。快来看看哪些俚语是你不知道哒~1. AROUND THE CLOCK1.日夜不断的If something is open around the clock, it means it is open 24 hours a day.“AROUND THE CLOCK”24小时不停歇。The hotel's service is great, there is always someone available to help you around the clock.这家旅馆的服务很好,有人可以随时帮助你。2. BEHIND THE TIMES2.落伍Used to describe someone who is old-fashioned and has ideas that are regarded as out-dated.描述某人赶不上时代,某种观点已过时It's a shame his parents don't understand it from his point of view, they're really behind the times.父母不能理解他的观点,他们确实有些落伍了,真遗憾。3. AHEAD OF TIME3.提前If something happens ahead of time, it happens early, before the set time, or with time to spare.就是说某事提前发生,在原定时间以前发生或完成。If you make the cakes ahead of time, then you'll be able to focus on the decorations more.如果你提前把蛋糕做好,就能多花些时间装饰了。4. CALL IT A DAY / NIGHT4.到此为止To stop doing something for a while, normally at least until the following day. This can also be used as slang to say something has been ended completely.暂停某事,通常至少到第二天。也可以用作俚语表示某事已经完全结束。Right guys, you've worked really hard. I think it's time to call it a night, I'll see you all again tomorrow.伙计们,大家辛苦了。今天的工作到此为止,明天见。Neither of us was happy in the relationship, so we decided to call it a day.我们俩在这段关系中都不快乐,所以决定分开。5. A MONTH OF SUNDAYS5.很久This is a very long period of time.很长时间It's been a month of Sundays since I last went to the theatre!我已经太久没看过电影了!6. DWELL ON THE PAST6.沉溺往事When someone thinks too much about the past.一直沉湎于过去的回忆。I wish you'd stop dwelling on the past, she's never going to come back. You need to move on with your life!希望你不要再纠结过去,她再不会回来了。但你还得继续生活!7. AGAINST THE CLOCK7.分秒必争Doing something against the clock means you are rushed and have very little time to do it.用来描述匆忙做某事。I worked day and night against the clock to get this done on time, and you're being so ungrateful!为了按时完成这项任务,我夜以继日地工作,你真是太忘恩负义了!8. CALL TIME8.到此结束When you call time on something, you decide it is time to end it.用来描述决定终止某事。I think we should call time on this project. It is draining our resources, exhausting our manpower, and isn't making any progress.我认为是时候结束这个项目了。它耗尽了我们的资源和人力,却没有取得任何进展。9. AFTER THE WATERSHED9.少儿不宜时段In some countries, the watershed is the time limit after which, more TV programmes can be shown that include adult humor, bad language, or controversial subjects.在一些国家,该习语表示时间限制,在这之后,许多电视节目可以播放成人幽默,不良言语,或是争议性话题。Why are the children still up watching TV? They should be in bed now, it's after the watershed!为什么孩子们还在看电视?这会儿他们应该睡觉了,毕竟现在这个时段少儿不宜!10. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER10.亡羊补牢This suggests that it is better to do something late than not do it at all.晚点做要比不做好。I've finally managed to build my dream house. I know I'm nearly at retirement age, but it's better late than never!我终于建成了梦想中的家。尽管我已经到了差不多退休的年纪,但是晚点实现总比实现不了强!11. DAYS ARE NUMBERED11.去日不多When someone's days are numbered, they are expected to die soon.形容人,表示去日无多。The doctors say his days are numbered. They don't have much hope of him surviving this illness.大夫们认为他气数已尽,对他不抱什么希望了。12. DO TIME / SERVE TIME12.服刑Used to describe someone's sentence in prison.用于描述某人的刑期。He is doing time for a crime he did not commit!他没有犯罪,却在服刑!13. DON'T KNOW WHETHER TO WIND A WATCH OR BARK AT THE MOON13.不知如何是好Used when someone just doesn't know what to do描述某人不知如何是好He has asked me to marry him and is still waiting for an answer, but I don't know whether to wind a watch or bark at the moon!他向我求婚,等着我回复,可我却不知道要如何回应!14. ELEVENTH HOUR14.最后一刻When something happens at the very last minute.危急之时。Everyone thought he was going to lose when he had to stop to get a tyre changed, but at the eleventh hour, he came first and won the race!他停下来换轮胎时,大家都认为他必输无疑。但是,最后一刻,他赶上来赢得了比赛!15. CRUNCH TIME15.关键时刻When someone has to make an important decision that will affect not just their future, but those of others around them too.某人不得不做出重要决定的时刻。这一决定不仅会影响他们的未来,也会影响周围其他人。As the Executive Director stepped out onto the podium, his clothes felt damp, and sweat beads were forming on his forehead. He knew it was crunch time.执行董事长走上讲台,衣服微湿,头上略有汗珠。他知道这是关键时刻。