
This Policy of Insurance witnesses the The People's Insurance (Property) Company of China,Ltd. (hereinaftercalled The Company'') undertakes to insure against Employer's Liability Insurance during the period of the Insurance subject to the Clauses printed overleaf.

| |姓 名 |
| |Name: |
| |---------------------------------------|
| 投 保 人 |地 址 |
| The Applicant |Address: |
| |---------------------------------------|
| |营业性质 |

| |Trade/Occupation: |
| 地 区 范 围 | |
|Geographical Area | |
| 保 险 期 限 | 个月 自 零时 至 二十四时止|
| Insured period | month(s) from 00:00 of to 24.00 hour of |
| | 雇 员 工 种 | | | | | | |总 计|
| | Employees' | | | | | | | |

| | Occupation | | | | | | |Total |
| |-----------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
| | 估计雇员人数 | | | | | | | |
|雇 员 一 览 表| Est. number | | | | | | | |
| Schedule of | of Employees | | | | | | | |
| Employees |-----------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
| |估计工资及其他收入总数| | | | | | | |
| | Total Est. | | | | | | | |
| | Wages & other | | | | | | | |
| | allowances | | | | | | | |

| | | 赔偿限额 | 费 率 | 保险费 |
| | | Limit of Indemnity | Rate | Premium |
| 雇主责任险 |----------|-----------|-------|--------|
| Employer's |死亡 Death | | | |
| Liability Cover |----------|-----------| | |
| |伤残 Injury | | | |
| |----------|-----------| | |
| | | | | |

| 附加医药费保险 | 每人累计不超过 | | | |
| Add. Medical |Not to exceed in accumulation | | | |
| Exp.cover | for any one person | | | |
| 第三者责任险 |累计每次事故 | | | |





海棠 苏轼东风袅袅泛崇光,香雾空濛月转廊。 只恐夜深花...

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