1. 抽象名词单独使用或表泛指意义或用在某一固定介宾结构中,是不可数名词;词义的变化,抽象名词具体化,是可数名词。


  life,time,knowledge,sight,pleasure,repair,paper,glass,hair,food,fruit,character,experience,trouble,difficulty,work,help,population,iron 等。


  Life is hard.

  We’re living a happy life under the leadership of the Party.

  Time is money.

  We had a wonderful time in the party.

  Knowledge is power.

  A knowledge of English is a must in the 21st century.

  He has poor sight because he often reads in the sun.

  The sunset is a beautiful sight.

  Would you please lend me your bike?

  With pleasure.

  What a pleasure it is to meet you here again.

  It is said that the road is under repair.

  It is said that the workers are doing repairs to the road.

  Paper is made from wood.

  Our monitor is helping our teacher to hand out the papers.

  Have you finished your papers on pollution?

  Is there anything of interest in today’s papers?

  Mirrors are made of glass.

  Glasses are made of glass.

  Asians have black hair and Europeans have fair hair.

  Look! There are a few white hairs on your head.

  A man will die without food for seven days.

  That was really a delicious food at the party.

  Lu Xun succeeded in creating many characters in his works.

  Charlie, how many characters have you learnt so far?

  Sports are very useful for training character.

  Sun Wukong had plenty of experiences on the way to the west to seek the Bible, so he had rich experience in telling the kind from the bad.

  I had great trouble/difficulty in finding your home last year.

  Life is full of joys and troubles.

  Here is a difficulty for you to get over.

  Irons are usually made of iron.

  Every means has been tried but none has/have worked.

  All means have been tried but none have/has worked.

  work: “工作、活儿”不可数名词


  My father still goes to work at 8:00 in the morning while my mother is out of work.

  It’s eight o’clock. Let’s get down to work.

  This painting of Xu Beihong’s is a valuable work of art.

  Lu Xun’s works are popular with many young readers.

  The water works supply/supplies fine water to us.

  Our army managed to break through the enemy’s defence works.

  population: 既可数又不可数




  1. 与具体数字连用或被 large,big,small 修饰,是可数名词;指某一国家、地区总人口时,是不可数名词。

  India has a population of about one billion.

  India is a country with a population of about one billion.

  In fifty years, India is likely to have a larger population than China.

  2. 指总人口时,谓语动词用单数;指部分人口时,谓语动词用复数。

  The population of the United States is about 250 million and about 11﹪ of it are black people.

  3. 指“人口多”时,用 large 或 big;指“人口少”时,用 small。

  England is a developed country, but its population is very small.

  4. What’s the population of… ?

  What population does… have? 均是针对“人口”提问的表达法。

  How large/big is the population of…

  — What is the population of Russia?

  — About 250 million.

  5. 专有名词:专有名词一般为不可数,但偶尔也可作可数名词。


  China has a longer history than the United States.

  There are four Jacks in our class.


中考历史知识点记忆歌:四十二、 甲午中日战争

  四十二、 甲午中日战争  (一)  日本称霸野心狼...





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