Ballpoint pens have made life easier for millions of people. At one time 1 did not like their students to 2 with pen. Perhaps it was because pens can leak(漏) and it is 3 to spill(溢出) the ink. And it is hard to write on thin or cheap paper with them.

Ladislao Biro 4 for a newspaper in Budapest. He spent all day 5 his desk. Day in and day out, he corrected 6 of thin, cheap paper with a pen and ink. He often had to stop to 7 his pen and it did not write 8 on the thin paper. He and his brother George 9 some experiments. They wanted a pen that did not leak, with ink that did not spill. Why not 10 a little ball at the end?

Two Englishmen, Henry Martin and Frederick Miles, like the 11 .It was the 12 of the Second World War. The Air Force 13 a non-leak, non-spill pen for the men to write with in 14 . Martin and Miles made and 15 many thousands of Biro “writing-sticks” to the Air Force.

1. A. factories B. schools C. shops D. restaurants

2. A. play B. write C. come D. meet

3. A. easy B. hard C. free D. popular

4. A. left B. waited C. looked D. worked

5. A. on B. near C. at D. in

6. A. mistake B. books C. pages D. diaries

7. A. mend B. fill C. brush D. change

8. A. well B. down C. out D. up

9. A. kept B. finished C. began D. studied

10.A. find B. wear C . grow D. use

11.A. matter B. result C. meaning D. idea

12.A. day B. time C. break D. year

13.A. bought B. took C. needed D. preferred

14.A. planes B. ships C. trains D. buses

15.A. sold B. lent C. moved D. passed




1. B。从上下文判断应选B。

2. B。用笔写可用“write with pens”来表达。

3. A。钢笔里的墨水容易从笔管溢出来,所以选A。

4. D。指他在为一家报社工作。

5. C。at one’s desk意思是“坐在桌前”。

6. C。批改文稿可用correct pages来表达。

7. B。往笔里装墨水可用fill the pen with ink。这里省略了with ink.。

8. A。用副词well修饰动词write。

9. C。由于他发现用钢笔写有麻烦,所以他和朋友开始做实验,想更好的方法。

10 .D。Why not +动词原形。

11. D。他们喜欢他的设想。

12. B。the time of 表示“……的时候”。

13. C。指当时空军正需要这样的笔。

14. A。句意理解和实际判断想结合。

15. A。他们生产并销售圆珠笔供空军使用,故选sold。




读书·书单:《怪医笔记 》作者:狼医生

基本信息书名:怪医笔记作者:狼医生标签:小说 悬疑评分...



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