We should remember that we all learned our own language well when we were children. If we could learn ___1___ second language in the same way, it would not seem so ___2___. Think ___3___ what a small child does. It listens to what people say and tries ______ 4______ what it hears. When it wants something, it has to ask ___5___ it. It is using the language, talking in it, and thinking in it all the time. If people ___6___ use a second language all the time, they would learn it quickly.
  We learn our own language ___7___ hearing people speak it, not by seeing what they write. We imitate ___8___ what we hear. In school, though you learn to read and write ___9___ to hear and speak, it is the best way ___10___ all the new words through the ear. You can read them, speak them, and write them later.
  1. A. aB. an C. theD. /
  2. A. easyB. fastC. simpleD. difficult
  3. A. ofB. outC. overD. about
  4. A. imitateB. imitatingC. to imitateD. imitated
  5. A. ofB. forC. afterD. about
  6. A. couldB. shouldC. wouldD. had to
  7. A. ofB. byC. onD. with
  8. A. whatB. whenC. whereD. how
  9. A. andB. butC. as well asD. as long as
  10. A. learnB. learns C. learningD. to learn
  1. A。该题测试冠词的用法,用语法分析法。该句中"学习第二种语言"指的是除了母语之外的任何一种语言,并非特指,而是泛指,因此,要用不定冠词。这样就可排除后面两个选项,second 是以辅音开头的单词,又可否定第二个选项。
  2. D。该题用科学推测法。"按照学习母语的方法学习第二种语言,肯定不难",不可能是"不容易,学得不快,不简单"。
  3. A。该题用逐个排除法。回忆学习母语的方法,马上就能想起来,根本用不着思索(think out),仔细考虑(think over),这样就能排除中间两个选项。表示"考虑,对……看法"时,think of和think about可互换使用,表示"想起,记起"时,只能用think of,这样又可排除最后一个选项。
  4. C。从语法上分析,表示还没有做的事情做宾语时,要用带to的动词不定式;从语境上分析,表示"尽力做某事,设法做某事"时,要用词组try to do sth 来表示。
  5. B。根据上半句"想要……",可推测出下半句是"不得不向……要",要选一个能与ask构成表示"向……要"意思的介词,这四个介词中,只有for。ask for是个固定词组,根据固定搭配法也能锁定正确选项。
  6. D。该题测试情态动词的用法,用语境推测法。"总是在用第二种语言",一定是受外界条件影响的结果,属于客观条件逼迫着不得不怎么样,因此,要用have to来表示。
  7. B。根据句中提供的语境,"学习自己的语言"与"听说"之间,应选一个表示"依据,按照,通过"的介词。这四个介词中,只有by有此意思。从与hearing people speak it相并列的by seeing what they write短语,运用语感感知法,也能迅速锁定选项。
  8. A。该题用语法分析法。hear是个及物动词,需要接宾语,when,where,how都是疑问副词,不能充当宾语。(from www.zkenglishlcom)
  9. C。该题用语境推测法。"读和写"与"听和说"是并列关系,应选表示并列关系的连词。but表示转折关系,as long as表示条件关系,都不能被选。and 和 as well as 都是"和"的意思,选and时要翻译成"读写和听说",同时还得去掉原句中的动词不定式符号to,显然不能被选。
  10. D。句意为"通过听力学习生词是最好的方法"。这是一个动词不定式短语作主语的句子,其中it是形式主语,指代后面的动词不定式短语。



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