主备: 班级 姓名 学号


1. 能掌握natural, wonder等13个单词和词组。

2. 能听懂谈论世界景观的对话,理解其中的事实性描述及个人观点

3. 能表述事实的形容词描述你喜欢的世界景观,并发表个人观点。

4. 培养学生对大自然的热爱


A. 识记下列单词和词组

1. 人造的 2. 大自然的 3.奇观;奇迹

4. 讨论;商讨 5. 在东边的 6.虽然;但是

7. 响亮的 8. 超过 9.电

10.据某人看来 11. 大量的;无数的

B. 理解与运用

a. 根据句意及首字母提示填写。

1. My son is too young to j the army.

2. The Great Wall is one of the greatest w in the world.

3. Scientists send many m satellites (卫星) to the space.

4. I couldn’t go to sleep last night because I heard l noises outside all the time.

5. Yunnan is famous for its beautiful n sights.


1. -- you (read) our school magazine yesterday?

--Yes. I (read) it.

2. Look at the picture. We (visit) Mount Tai last year.

3. We (have) a parents’ meeting next Wednesday evening.

4. Do you have any ideas on how (learn) English well?





No.2 Module 1 Wonders of the world

Unit 2 It’s more than 2,000 years old.

主备: 班级 姓名 学号


1.能掌握silent, silver等18个单词和词组。





A. 识记下列单词和词组

1. 在下面 2. 照耀 3.迹象;标志

4. 寂静的 5. 银灰色的 6.天空

7. 灰色的 8. 在……旁边 9.回答;答复

10.开始消失 11. 小河;小溪 12.穿过

13.峡谷 14. 逗留;留下 15. 几乎;差不多

16.突然向下倾斜 17. 在……上面

B. 理解与运用


1. She is a good student. She __________ (work) hard at all the subjects.

2. Julia__________ (buy) a lot of good books when she was in Shanghai.

3. I remember __________ (close) the door. Why __________ (be) it open now? Who __________ (open) it?

4.The policemen__________ (talk) with the old man when he __________ (arrive) at his home yesterday afternoon.

5. Hi, Jane! Long time no see! Where __________ you __________ (be)?

6. Please keep quiet! The baby__________ (sleep) in the room.


remain, path, below, beside, shine

1. The temperature drops __________zero on snowy days.

2. At noon the sun__________ over your head.

3. Some leaves from a nearby tree fell into the water and __________ there for some time.

4. Look at the photo. The girl__________ me is Nancy.

5. In the morning, we went camping along a __________ in Green Nature Park.




No. 3 Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 3 Language in use

主备: 班级 姓名 学号






A. 识记下列词组

1. 加入,参加 2.同意 3.按某人的意见

4. 成百万的 5. 从……里出来 6. 在……底部

7. 在两边 8. 穿过…… 9. 眺望

10. 盼望着

B. 理解与运用


1. Most of the sandstorms in our country __________ (happen) in spring from March to May.

2. He promised to pick me up at the school gate. However, he __________ (not arrive) yet.

3. --What did the teacher say just now?

--Sorry. I didn’t catch it. I__________ (think) something else.

4. He went into his room, __________ (turn) on the light and began to work.

5. We are glad to hear that the Greens__________ (move) to a new flat next week.


different, miss, say, do, high

1. He ran away angrily without __________ a word.

2. --All the workers were very tired, but none of them took a rest.

--They were busy looking for the __________people.

3. My brother is two meters in __________. It’s very different to find clothes big enough for him.

4. There’s not much__________ in price between the two mobile phone.

5. You can’t watch TV until you finish__________ your homework.





No.4 Module2 Public holidays

Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.

主备: 班级 姓名 学号






A. 识记下列单词和词组

1. 创立 2. 旗帜 3.直到 …… 为止

4. 各种各样的 5. 从那以后 6. 一……就……

7.去度假 8. 玩得开心 9.有一个三天的假期

B. 理解与运用


1 The People’s Republic of China was __________ (found) on 1st October,1949.

2. Do you have __________ (something) interesting to say?

3. His brother is a basketball player on the__________ (nation) team..

4. I often hear Tom __________ (sing) in the music room.

5. Tom will call you as soon as he __________ (reach) Beijing.


off vacation twenty season while

1.The summer __________is over. The students have come back to school.

2. There are four __________ in a year.

3. We will have three days __________ next week.

4. I was doing my homework __________my brother was watching TV.

5. Jim celebrated his __________birthday with his friends yesterday.


1.China’s National Day is on 1st October.(划线提问)

__________ is China’s National Day?

2.We had three days off last week. (改为同义句)

We had __________ __________ holiday last week.

3. I will go to play football with you . I finish my homework. (改为复合句)

I will go to play football with you __________ __________ __________ I finish my homework.



1.背诵本单元的单词、词组,并模仿朗读对话3遍(Activity 3)。


No.5 Module2 Public holidays

Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.

主备: 班级 姓名 学号




3.能够运用after,as soon as, before, since, until, when,, while引导的时间状语从句。


A. 识记下列单词和词组

1. 在…… 之中 2. 演说 3. 开拓者

4. 种植 5. 谷物,玉米 6. 接着的

7. 摆放 8. 完了的 9. 盘;碟

10.我们自己 11.摆放餐桌 10.作简短致辞

B. 理解与运用


1. They gave __________(thank)to the man for his help.

2. It is hard to communicate with others far away in the __________ (eighteen) century.

3. The bus station is the most __________ (crowd) place in the city.

4. I __________ (grow) many flowers in my garden last week.

5. Thanksgiving__________ ( celebrate) on the fourth Thursday in November.


until since before while as soon as

1. Tom’ mother didn’t go to bed __________he came back last night.

2. We have celebrated National Day __________ 1949.

3. You should wash your hands __________ you eat something.

4. We will go somewhere interesting __________the holiday begins.

5. Don’t speak loudly __________ the baby is sleeping.


1.There is __________ __________ ( 充足的) rain in spring here.

2.He likes playing football and he likes swimming __________ __________ (也)

3. We __________ __________ ( 开始购物)for presents before his birthday comes.



1.背诵本单元的单词、词组,并模仿朗读课文3遍(Activity 2)。


No.6 Module2 Public holidays Unit 3 Language in use

主备: 班级 姓名 学号







1. one 2. two 3.three 4. twelve

5. five 6. Nine 7.twenty 8. twenty-six

b. 选词填空:

as soon as after when while until

1. Dad was reading a newspaper __________ I came back home yesterday evening.

2. I will tell her the important news __________ I see her.

3. He got a job in a restaurant __________ he left school.

4. I will wait __________ you finish all the work.

5. Remember to write to us __________ you are in France.


1. Jim will not work for three days.

Jim will __________ three days __________.

2. Tom left the room after he finished cleaning it.

Tom __________ leave the room __________ he finished cleaning it.

3. We enjoyed ourselves at the party last night.

We __________ __________ at the party last night.













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