主备:_______ 班级________ 姓名__________ 学号________


1.能正确拼读including, medal, attend等13个单词和习惯用语。




A. 识记单词和短语:

1.包含;包括________________ 2.奖牌;奖章______________ 3.出席;参加_______________

4.在国外____________________ 5.无论什么________________ 6.惊人的___________________

7. 意志;决心_______________ 8. 成功;胜利_____________ 9. 实在;的确

10. 博士学位_________________ 11. 放弃做某事_____________ 12.再一次 ___________


a. 根据中文提示填写单词:

1. Yao Ming is one of the best basketball _______ (选手) in the world.

2. Who’s the true _______ (英雄) in your heart?

3. What present do you want to _______ (选择) for Mary?

4. Li has studied in Tsinghua _______ (大学) for two years.

5. James says that he is not _______ (聪明的) than anyone else.

b. 根据汉语提示完成句子:

1. 他们不战而降。They _______ _______ without a fight.

2. 你愿意给我们讲讲南京大学吗?Would you like to _______ _______ _______Nanjing University.

3. 我不知道谁赢了这场英语竞赛。I don’t know who _______ the English _______.

4. 我们希望出席的人越多越好。We’d like as many people as possible to _______.

5. 他们既卖报也卖书。They sell books _______ _______ _______magazines.



1. 听磁带跟读单词和U1 Activity3对话3遍,背出所学的单词和表达,模仿意群停顿。

2. 完成作业本M3U1相关内容。

*3. 模仿课文,和搭档准备小对话,准备下节课表演。

No.8 Module 3 Heroes

Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.

主备:___________ 班级________ 姓名__________ 学号________


1. 掌握Canadian, sick, soldier等24个单词和习惯用语。

2. 掌握原因状语从句(because)、结果状语从句(so)、目的状语从句(so that)的用法。

3. 阅读关于白求恩生平的文章,理解主要内容,提升归纳总结能力,获取相关信息。


A. 识记单词和短语:

1.生病的 ______________ 2.军人;士兵________________ 3.医治;治疗_______________

4.受伤的_______________ 5.了解;意识到_______________ 6.工具;器械 ______________

7. 手术________________ 8.发明;发明物_______________ 9.独自一人_________________

10.为…而死____________   11.死于…____________________ 12.照顾;护理_______________


a. 根据中文提示填写单词:

1. John worked very hard _______ (没有) resting.

2. We want to be doctors to help the _______ (当地的,本地的) people.

3. He went to the front to help the _______ (受伤的).

4. Don’t worry. I can use these _______ (工具) to mend your car.

5. Mike can make a travel plan on his _______ (自己的).

6. Lu Xun, as a great writer, is still _______ (记住) by the Chinese


1. Tobby made the birthday cake by himself. (改为同义句) Tobby made the birthday cake ______ _____ ______.

2. Jane got up early, so she could catch the early bus to school. (改为同义句)

Jane got up early, _______ _______she could catch the early bus to school.

3. It’s raining hard. Bob still wants to go out. (合并为一句) It’s raining hard,______ Bob still ______ to go out.

4. My mother looks after me every day. (改为同义句)

My mother _______ _______ _______me every day.

5. She left for Shanghai yesterday. He didn’t say goodbye to me. (合并为一句)

She left for Shanghai _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ yesterday.



1. 根据拼读规则,背诵并记忆本单元的单词及句型, 并听录音, 跟读U2 Activity2课文3遍。

*2.尝试写关于袁隆平的生平事迹。Activity5 on P21

No.9 Module 3 Heroes Unit 3 Language in use

主备:_______ 班级________ 姓名__________ 学号________


1.复习原因状语从句(because)、结果状语从句(so)、目的状语从句(so that)。




A. 识记下列的短语:

1.告诉…关于…_________________ 2.放弃_________________ 3.开始做某事__________________

4.上国外的大学_________________ 5.在那时_______________ 6.受伤的士兵__________________

7.特殊的医疗工具_______________ 9.帮助某人做某事 __________________

10.挽救某人的生命______________ 8.设法成功做到某事__________________


a. 用所给词的适当形式填空:

learn about, born, as well as, save, look after

1. Sally was _______ in 1994.

2. Miss Green is a very good teacher_______ our great friend.

3. Thank you for _______ my baby while I was away.

4. The young soldier managed___________ the children out of water.

5. I _______ her address from a close friend.

b. 用because, so, so that或so… that填空。

1. He became a scientist _______ he could study plants.

2. They played football every day _______ they wanted to become football players.

3. He wanted to be a good writer ________ he wrote for many hours every day.

4. The soldiers were fighting _______ they loved their country.

5. She worked hard _______ she could become a doctor.

6. He worked _______hard _______ he was ill.




2.复习本模块的语法点:because, so, so that引导的状语从句来表示原因、目的或结果。









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