主备: 班级 姓名 学号


1.能理解、领悟并运用deal, exam, fail, guitar, shame等18单词及词组。




A. 识记下列单词和词组

1. 协议 2.考试 3. 未能及格 4. 吉他

5. 乐器 6.音乐的 7.习惯 8. 功课

9.志愿者 10必要的 11.可惜 12.代替

13.社区 14. 知识 15.观点 16.考虑

17.养成……的习惯 18.而不是 19.最终决定

B. 理解与运用

a. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. My mother wants me to stop _________ (play) computer games.

2. You must go into a habit of _________ (do) your homework as soon as you get home.

3. __________ (know) is power.

4. We considered __________ (put) off the sports meeting because of the bad weather.

5. We should try to succeed instead of _________ (fail) in the game.

6. You should __________ (consider) what the most important thing is.


1. You can go to the shop near our school to buy a notebook. (改写成条件状语从句)

If you ________ to buy a notebook, ________ to the shop near our school.

2. I am not sure. Will he come? (连成宾语从句)

I am not sure ________ ________ _________ come.

3. It won’t rain tomorrow. They will go to the zoo.(合并成一句)

__________________________________________________________ .

4. My mother will come back this evening. I’ll call you. (合并成一句)

__________________________________________________________ .



1. 听、读U1 Act. 3 对话三遍, 注意语音语调。

2. 根据拼读规则,背诵并记忆本单元的单词。

3. 完成作业本(1)和作业本(2)Unit1。

No.17 Module 6 Problems

Unit2 If you tell him the truth now, you will show that you are honest.

主备: 班级 姓名 学号


1. 能理解、领悟并运用come round, reason, try out, angry等14 个单词及词组。

2. 能正确运用“if”引导的条件状语从句.

3. 模仿课文,能写出困扰自己的问题并寻求建议。


A. 识记下列词组

1. 原因 2. 生气的 3.修理 4. 事实

5. 最少 6.诚实的 7.道歉 8. 账单

9. 拜访(某人的家) 10.试用 11. 不再

12.生某人的气 13. 至少、起码 ______________14. 零花钱

B. 理解与运用

a. 根据首字母提示完成下列单词,使句意明确,语言通顺。

1.Tell me the r_________ why he refused to listen to my advice.

2. He got a_________ with me for not having written to him.

3. Can you tell me the t_________?

4. My bike is broken, can you help me to r_________ it?

5. The young man has an h_________ face.

b. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. My teacher told the students __________ (not make) any mistakes.

2. He will send a letter to you if he ___________ (not go) to work.

3. She asked if the computers ___________ (go) wrong if she ___________ (play) computer games on it.

4. Lina decided___________ (leave) for New York tomorrow.

5. I want to know about the ___________ (true). Is it___________ (true) that he feels___________ (true) sorry about

his mistakes?

c. 按要求完成句子

1. You mustn’t take photos of the exhibits in the museum. ( 改为祈使句)

__________ __________ photos of the exhibits in the museum.

2. Lin Tao is 1.65 metres tall. Bob is 1.65 metres tall, too.(合并为一句)

__________ Lin Tao and Bob __________ 1.65 metres tall.



1.听、读U2 Act.2 三遍,注意语音与语调。



No.18 Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use.

主备: 班级 姓名 学号






A. 识记下列单词和词组。

1. 快一点 2. 更加努力地学习 3.英语讲得好

4. 擅长英语 5. 穿她的新鞋子 6. 存许多钱

7. 以我为荣 8. 在校队 9. 练习拉小提琴

10. 参加比赛 11. 拒绝做某事 12. 陷入困境

B. 理解与运用

a. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. If it ___________ (be) rainy tomorrow, I __________ (not go) shopping.

2. We __________ (not have) our sports meeting if it __________ (not be) fine.

3. If it ___________ (snow), my father __________ (take) me to school in his car.

4. Tigers __________ (catch) their own food if they live in the wild.

5. If he __________ (live) in London, he _____________ (visit) the Big Ben.

6. It’s even ___________ (bad) that you didn’t tell him about it .

7. I can dive under the water as _________ (long) as two minutes.

8. My father let me ___________ (not go) out at night.


progress , mark, true, hurry, honest

1. __________ up, or you will be late for school.

2. These days we are trying our best to get good __________ in the exams.

3. Has he told you the __________ about what happened on that day?

4. At times, I wonder if he is __________.

5. David has made great __________ recently.



1. 听读本模块的生词与Unit1,Act.3 和Unt2, Act.2 三遍。注意语音和语调。

2. 复习并且总结if从句的用法。.完成作业本Unit3。

3. 写一篇文章,描述你在初三生活中的成长与烦恼。




读书·书单:《斗罗大陆(全14卷) 》作者:唐家三少




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