主备: ________ 班级 姓名 学号


1. 学习influence, thinker, wise, sense, well-known, discuss, review, suppose等10个单词词组。

2. 对于文中出现的被动语态,学生能够初步的辨别和理解。

3. 能听懂关于谈论人物或文学作品的对话,并能从中获取具体信息。


A. 写出下列词组。

1. 为.……写评论 _____________________ 2. 我们每个人________________________

3. 加入网络小组 _____________________ 4. 参加讨论 __________________________

5. 在19世纪 _______________________ 6. 一个明智的人 ______________________

7.伟大的作家 ________________________ 8. 顺便说一下 ________________________

B. 理解与运用

a. 用所给中文或单词的适当形式填空。

1. Today, Chinese people are still _________ (影响) by Confucius’s ideas.

2. She looks so happy, I________ (猜想) that she won first place in the singing competition.

3. Mark Twain is as________ (著名的) as Charles Dickens.

3. The Arabian Nights is _________ (think) to be a great book.

4. Our classroom _________ (clean) three times a day, so it is always very clean..

5. All of us are _________ (amaze) at the _________ (amaze) news.

b. 句型转换,改为被动语态。

1. We often invite Mr Green to join us in doing sports.

Mr Green _________ often __________ to join us in doing sports.

2. People grow rice in the south of China.

Rice __________ __________ in the south of China.

3. We don’t allow students to smoke at school.

Students _________ __________ to smoke at school.



1. 听、读M7 U1 Act. 3五遍, 注意语音语调。

2. 找出对话中被动语态的句子,引导学生在真实的语境上感受理解这一语法现象。

3. 完成作业本Unit 1(1)和(2)相关练习。

*4. 学生们总结自己阅读过的名著并与大家分享感受。

No.20 Module7 Great books Unit 2 It is still read and loved

主备: 班级 姓名 学号


1. 学习escape等17个单词词组。根据拼读规则能够朗读和记忆。

2. 能读懂介绍和评价文学作品的文章。

3. 能够谈论并写一篇短文介绍和评价自己喜欢的文学作品。


A. 写出下列词组。

1. 逃跑__________________ 2. 遇上麻烦___________________ 3. 一小段时间________________

4. 拿走,带走_____________ 5. 吃惊地做某事________________6.在……中间_________________

7.为……付出代价____________________ 8. 看见某人正在做某事______________________

B. 理解与运用


1.The police found the lost boy in a _________(洞)and then sent him back home.

2.California is the biggest _________(州) by populationin the USA.

3.The bird _________(逃走)from the cage last night..

4.Exercising is his _________(日常的)habit.

5.Can you act out the _________(对话)in pairs?


neighbour, adventure, cave, true, especial

1.I don’t like getting up early, _________ in winter.

2.Amy is my_________ and we are good friends as well.

3.I hear that an old man lives in that _________ with a wolf.

4.The book tells some exciting srories about a boy who has many_________.

5.I think this book is a/an _________ great book,it is still read by millions of people today.



Everyone ________ ________ ________see them at first, but very ________ _________find that they are alive.


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ________ ________ ________to be one of the greatest American stories.

4. 你为什么不来加入讨论呢?

________ ________ ________ come and join in the discussion?



1. 听、读M7U2Activity2两遍, 注意重读。根据拼读规则,理解并记忆本单元单词。

2.完成作业本Unit 2(1)和(2)相关练习。

*3. 和同伴谈论自己喜欢的文学作品

No.21 Module 7 Great books Unit 3 Language in use

主备: __ _____ 班级 姓名 学号






a。 词汇运用根据中文提示写出单词,每空一词。

1. Young people are quickly ____________ (影响) by new ideas.

2. We don’t know whether he’s ____________ (活着的) or dead.

3. The local government has taken ____________ (行为) to call on people to plant trees.

4. All the people were very____________ (惊讶) when the boy suddenly appeared.

5. Li Ming didn’t come to school today. I _________(猜想) he was ill at home.

6. The Greens has moved to the ____________ (南方的) part of the country to spend their holiday.

7. Be quick. Don’t let the thief ____________ (逃跑) .

8. Daming is the ____________ (聪明的) student in our class.

9. Lu Xun was one of the greatest ____________ (思想家) in China.

10. We saw a film and our Chinese teacher asked each of us to write a ____________ (评论) for it .

b. 把下列句子改为被动语态

1. Most people love this song.


2. Do the students clean the blackboard after class?


3. The man doesn’t look after the flowers well.


4. Where do they plant trees?


C. 根据中文完成句子,每空一词。

1.如果我迷路了,我会问路的。 If I ________ ________, I will ask the way.


Do you also want to be an English teacher when you ________ ________?

3. 我送给他一份礼物以回报他的帮助。 I sent him a present for his help.


The book ________ _________ one of the greatest Chinese novels.



1. 听、读M5 U1, U2 对话和文章, 掌握重点单词和词组。


*3.参照Unit 2的Writing, 与同伴合作,写一篇你们最喜欢的书的评论。



Mr. Ford saw a nice sweater...





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