主备: ________ 班级 姓名 学号


1. 能正确理解和运用一般过去时的被动语态

2. 能掌握和运用必记单词和重点句型,注重语句的轻重音的朗读。

3. 能听懂关于体育赛事等方面的对话,并能从会话中获取简单信息且能谈论自己喜欢的体育明星。


A. 写出下列单词,词性及词组

1.记忆__________ 2. 决定___________ 3. 借口_________ 4. 比分___________

5.代表___________________ 6. 不可能_________________ 7. 在中午______________

8. 那不公平_________________ 9. 对……生气___________ 10.干得好!__________________

B. 理解与运用


excuse, decision, cheer, against, beat, memory

1. You ‘re late for the meeting again. There is no _______ this time!

2. In my _______ Miss wang is a kind woman , I can’t believe she hurt her own son.

3 My father made an important _________to send me to America to study.

4. During the match,everyone on the seats _________for their favourite team.

5. When you feel stressed out about something ,your heart ________faster than before.

6. Are you for or __________ the plan? If you agree,we’ll set off right now.

b. 根据汉语意思完成句子

1. 所有的孩子们正在为比赛而训练。

All children are _________ _________ _________ _________.

2. 他获得了一次出国学习的机会。

He _________ ________ _______ _________to study abroad.

3. 我们输了比赛,我们只得面对真相。

Welost the game ,we have to __________ _________ _________.

4. 我为什么会生你的气呢?

Why would I _________ ________ _________you?



1. 听录音模仿朗读Act 3对话3遍, 注意语音重读,有条件的同学可以进行分角色表演。

2. 找出对话中 带被动语态的句子,理解这些句子。

3. 完成作业本Unit1(1)和(2)相关练习。

*4. 运用一般过去时的被动语态,谈论自己身边的事情。

No.23 Module8 Sports life

Unit2 He was invited to competitions around the world

主备: ________ 班级 姓名 学号


1. 能根据照片简单口头描述有关刘翔的信息。

2. 能读懂有关介绍体育明星及体育运动的文章,并能用书面简短的介绍体育明星。

3. 加深理解体育明星辉煌成绩背后的汗水,并由此培养刻苦学习的品质。


A. 写出下列单词,词性及词组。

1.能力___________ 2. 比赛 ___________ 3. 方法___________ 4.打破___________

5.亚洲的__________ 6. 记录______________ 7.勇气_____________8.第一名_____________

9.以…为自豪_________________ 10. 阻止某人做某事_________________

11. 鼓励某人去做某事_______________ 12. 忍受…的折磨 __________________

B. 理解与运用

a. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. ___________(compare) with the old computer, what do you thiink of the new one?

2. Tom used the radio ____________(listen) to English when he was young.

3. Louis trains hard and plays so well, nothing can stop himfrom _________(win) the match again ,.

4. She __________(return) home after work and made a cup of coffee for herself.

5. I’m glad to find that many trees___________(plant) in our city last year.

b. 短语运用

high jump, give up , at the same time , take pride in, in fact

1. Lucy and Lily are twin sisiters and always get up ___________.

2. His father wishes he could ____________ drinking, he has suffered a lot from it..

3. Those people say they are poor farmers, but ____________they are actors.

4. My parents often help others when they are in trouble, so I _______________them.

5. She planned to take part in the ________________ in the coming school sports meeting.



1. 听录音模仿朗读Act 2课文2遍, 注意语音语调。

2. 根据拼读规则,拼读并记忆本单元的单词。

3. 完成作业本Unit 2(1)和(2)相关练习。


No.24 Module8 Sports life Unit3 Language in use

主备: ________ 班级 姓名 学号


1. 掌握本模块重点单词和句子

2. 总结巩固一般过去时的被动语态的用法以及运用。




a. 把下列句子改成被动语态

1. All the people laughed at him.___________________________________________________

2.They made the bikes in the factory.____________________________________________

3. My brother mended his watch last night.___________________________________________

4. They painted the table green last week.____________________________________________

5. She showed me her new skirt. __________________________________________________

B. 理解与运用

a.. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. It’s too hard for me _________(write) down his words.,he speaks so fast.

2. Some money was _________(find) on the floor. We don’t know who lost it ?

3. It is easy enough to work out this problem. You don’t need _________(ask) the teacher for help..

4. His great ability in running helped him ________(win) the prize

5. The new capital of our football team was _________(choose) by us just now.

b. 用所给单词的适当形式填空

able, though, break, offer, courage , true

1.He can't hide the _________. So he told me everything.

2.Nick _________ a job in a bank, but to our surprise, he didn’t take it.

3.__________ these cars are expensive, some farmers can afford them..

4. The boy’s _________in running and jumping was noticed by the coach.

5. Some Asian Games records __________ by the Chinese sportsmen in Korean this year .

6. The school gives the child a chance to show his special ___________.



1. 听、读M1 U1 Act. 3 U2 Act 2 两遍, 注意语音语调。

*2. 运用你所掌握的被动语态描述一个您所熟悉的体育明星。








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