九年级英语Module 7 Australia培优训练题(附答案外研版)



We spent a few days in Paris last week. We visit the famous city quite regularly. After all, it only takes three hours from London to Pairs. It’s always a pleasure visiting places we really like, exploring areas we’ve never been.

The only unlucky thing this time was the weather. As soon as we got there the temperature reached almost 35 degrees (which lasted until we left). It was so hot that Matthew just couldn’t stand it — for him, it wasn’t the most enj oyable trip. I felt sorry for him because every time we go there he has to put up with (忍受) my endless shopping spree (狂欢)…

Because of the heat, we ended up just having lots of ice-cream and drinks most of the time, although we managed to pay a few visits to the new Herme shop on rue de Vaugirard at least. It’s not as busy as the shop on rue Bonaparte so you can choose whatever you like without worrying about a queue behind you! I really enjoyed his bread this time as well as the cakes. And I must say that his Croissant aux Amandes and Bostock were simply the best I’ve ever had.

( ) 1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph?

A. It was the first time for the writer to go to Paris. B. It was a long way from London to Paris.

C. The writer lives in London. D. The writer only likes to go to places she has never been to.

( ) 2. The underlined word “stand” in the second pa ragraph means _______.

A. 享受 B. 忍受 C. 站立 D. 位于

( ) 3. What can you know about Matth ew from the second para graph?

A. He doesn’t like shopping. B. He doesn’t like travelling.

C. He is one of the writer’s relatives. D. He isn’t a good husband.

( ) 4. The shops on rue Bonaparte ________.

A. have no bread that the writer likes B. are often crowded with customers

C. don’t have anything the writer likes D. are not very busy all the time

( ) 5. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. An unpleasant trip B. A great city C. A shopping centre D. A trip to Paris



The best holiday of my life was two years ago. My pare nts, my aunt and uncle, my three cousins and I all went to India together. We spent two weeks traveling around and we visited many interesting places. The nig ht before we left for India, I was so excited that I could not sleep. Our plane left at 1 p.m. and it took nearly six hours to fly to New Delhi. It was raining when we arrived. We were all very tired so we went straight to our hotel.

The next day, we went on a sightseeing tour. I took lots of photos and we all bought souvenirs at the markets. I learned that there is also a place called Delhi which is the oldest part of the city.

On the third day of our trip, we went to a pl ace called Jaipur. At Jaipur we visited the Palace Museum and rode elephants. The elephant I rode was so big that I almost fell off. While my cousins and I were riding elephants, our parents went to look at the pink buildings that Jaipur is famous for.

Some people think that all Indian food is very spicy. But there are some dishes that are not spicy at al l. My favourite dish is chicken. It is delicious. It tastes a little bit sweet. We ate rice every day, just like at home.

India is so big that it is impossible to see all of it in one trip. I hope that I can visit it again some day.

1. How many people went to India for their holiday two years ago?


2. What was the weather like when the writer arrived in New Delhi?


3. Why couldn’t the writer sleep the night be fore they left for India?


4. New Delhi and Delhi are two different cities, aren’t they?


5. What is the best title of this passage?


Module 7 Australia


Ⅰ. 单项选择

( ) 1. I’ve read all the books ________ you gave me.

A. what B. of that C. that D. where

( ) 2. The doctor told him that ______was necessary to take the medicine on time.

A. that B. it C. this D. what

( ) 3 .Tom wants to at our school dance tomorrow.

A. take much photo B. take many photos

C. make many photos D. make much photo

( ) 4. We are ______ at his sudden death in the accident.

A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. surprises

( ) 5. I have talked with you and I want to talk with _______ in your class.

A. else everyone B. anyone else C. other everyone D. everyone else

( ) 6. The Changjiang River is longer than ________ in China.

A. any river B. any other river C. any of the other river D. any other rivers

( ) 7. I am looking for the photos that my father in Shanghai.

A. takes B. will take C. took D. to take

( ) 8. I found them carrying the boxes from the factory on _______ home.

A. my way to B. my way back C. the way to D. the way to

( ) 9. Jerry felt at the view.

A. amazing; amazing B. amazed; amazed

C. amazing; amazed D. amazed; amazing

( ) 10. This is the best film ______has been shown this year.

A. that B. which C. who D. when

Ⅱ. 句型转换

1. It took them two hours to finish the work.(对画线部分提问)

_______ _______ did it ________ them to finish the work?

2. A crocodile is nearly the same as an alligator(短吻鳄).(改为同义句)

A crocodile is_______ ______ an alligator.

3. Don’t worry. I’ll do it right away. (改为同义句)

Don’t worry. I’ll do it________ ________.

4. I’m looking for the photos. You took them on the Great Wall.(改为含有定语从句的复合句)

I’m looking for the photos_______ _______ ________ on the Great Wall.

5. S he is the girl. I talked about her yesterday.(改为含有定语从句的复合句)

She is the girl _______ ________ ________ _________ yeaterday.

Ⅲ. 完形填空

A traveler came out of the airport. There were a lot of 1 . He asked every taxi-driver’s name. Then he took the third one. It 2 5 dollars to go from the airport to the hotel. “ 3 does it take to hire (雇请) you for the whole day?” The man asked. “100 dollars,” said the taxi-driver. This was very 4 , but the man agreed. Then the taxi-driver showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening they went 5 to the hotel. The traveler gave the taxi-driver 100 dollars and said, “What about tomorrow?” The taxi-driver 6 the man and said, “Tomorrow? That will be 7 100 dollars.” But the man said it was OK. The taxi-driver was very 8 to be getting more money.

The next evening, afte r taking the traveler to visit the same parks and museums, the taxi-driver 9 another 100 dollars, he felt guilty (内疚的) because 100 dollars a day was a lot of money. “ So you’re from New Yo rk.” said the taxi-driver. “I have a 10 in New York. Her name is Susan. Do you know her?” “Sure. She gave me 200 dollars to give you!”

( ) 1. A. trainsB. boatsC. taxis

( ) 2. A. costB. paidC. spent

( ) 3. A. How manyB. How longC. How much

( ) 4. A. cheapB. lowC. expensive

( ) 5. A. forB. backC. across

( ) 6. A. looked atB. looked after C. looked for

( ) 7. A. the other B. another C. other

( ) 8. A. angryB. unhappyC. pleased

( ) 9. A. receivedB. gaveC. borrowed

( ) 10. A. brother B. sonC. sister

Ⅳ. 任务型阅读

May 24th

This morning, we had a school trip to the Dashan Collection House, a building of two floors. It is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. We took the school bus and arrived at 9:00. When we entered the collection house, our eyes were caught by a collection of old photos of the town on the walls of the front hall. Those photos told us something about the history of the town. And then in the Art Room, we saw many pictures of the countrys ide. The colors of the flowers and the trees are rich and bright. All at once, I lost myself in the beauty of nature.

Then we went upstairs. On th e left, there were over one hundred different clocks. The oldest clock was already more than two hundred years old. To my surprise, the clocks all worked well and they could tell the right time. It was then ten o’clock, and some clocks produced different beautiful sounds. It seemed to be a concert. How amazing!

On the right there was also a stone collection. The stones were from all over the country. They were in different sizes, colors and shapes. Some looked like different kinds of animals. I really liked one stone that looked like a little monkey. It looked very nice.

The collections there were wonderful. So we stayed there until 11:30 in the morning. I had a great time and really liked the school trip.


1. On which day did the writer have a school trip?


2. Where did the writer go for the school trip?

__ ____________________________________________________

3. What did the writer see in the Art Room?


4. How many kinds of co llections are mentioned in the passage?


5 . How long did they stay there?


Ⅴ. 根据首字母提示补全短文

Shanghai, a beautiful city during the day, becomes even more wonderful at night.

At the end of the day, both the older part of the city around the Bund and the more 1. m _______ buildings in Pudong are full of colorful bright lights. The buildings, both new and old, look 2. c_________ different and very exciting.

If you look across the Huangpu River, you can see the brilliant Oriental Pearl TV Tower and the Jinmao Tower. Take a boat 3. a __ the river and you can see the amazing nightlife on the Bund. There are more than 30 tour boats, including ancient dragon boats in the Ming and Qing styles and boats made in the Shikumen style.

If you prefer 4. w ___ in the streets, try the famous Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street (步行街). There are busy shops and cafes and you will see thousands of local people enjoying themselves. Most of the shops close at 10 pm but at that time, teahouses are still open. In fact, some of them are open 24 hours a day. Karaoke bars and coffee houses are also popular nightlife places where you can mee t friends and make new 5. o _ .

If you are in Shanghai for the first time, make sure you also visit Xingtiandi, a very popular 6. a________ where you can see buildings in Western and Chinese styles side by side. Xingtiandi is a great place for young people, but it may be a little 7. n ___ for older visitors! A quieter place to visit is Park 97, near the wes t gate of Fuxing Park, Luwan District. Park 97 opened in 1997 and you can find clubs and international restaurants like Baci where you can get Italian food and Tokyo Joe’s, a Japanese restaurant.

Module 7 Australia

(A) 1-5 CBABD

(B) 1. Eight people.

2. It was rainy. / It was raining.

3. Because he / she was too excited.

4. No, they aren’t.

5. Traveling in India


Ⅰ. 1-5 CBBCD 6-10 BCBDA

Ⅱ. 1. How long ; take 2. similar to 3. at once 4. that/ which you took

5. who/that I talked about

Ⅲ. 【主旨大意】本文讲述了一位旅客两天雇请同一辆出租车周游全城,付给出租车200美元车费,最后才说出这钱是出租车司机的姐姐带给他的。

1.C 读后一句“He asked every taxi-driver’s na me”推断机场有许 多出租车。故选C。

2.A cost, pay, spend意思都是“花费”,其中pay 和sp end的主语都是花钱的人,只有cost


3.C 本句询问雇乘出租车一整天要花多少钱,问价钱用how much。故选C。

4.C 跳读后文所述“100 dollars a da y was s lot of money”推断此处是100美元一天是昂贵


5.B 理解前文所述,这位乘客住宿在一家宾馆,经过一天全城游玩后,晚上他又回到了宾

馆。go back to someplace意为“回到某地”。故选B。

6.A A项意为“盯……看”;B项意为“照看”;C项意为“寻找”。本句是出租车司机对


7.B the other意为“另外的”;another意为“另一”;other意为“其它的”。理解句意,明


8.C 理解文中所述情景及横线后“to be getting more money”推断司机是很高兴的。故选C。

9.A 理解前后文 可知,司机又收到了100美元。故 选A。

10.C 句所述中的人称代词“her, she”推断选项中只有sister符合题意。故选C。

Ⅳ. 1. On May 24th

2. The writer went to the Dashan Collection House.

3. The writ er saw many pic tures of t he countryside.

4. There ar e 4/four kinds.

5. For two and a half hours.

Ⅴ. 1. modern 2. completely 3. along 4. walking 5. ones 6. area/attraction 7. noisy








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