
第十二讲 Module 4 Home alone Unit 1

meeting 会议;集会 shut关上;合上 lock锁;锁住 ring鸣响;发出铃声 simple 简单的;容易的 anybody任何人 passenger乘客;游客 address地址 text文本;正文 couple 一对;两个

I Text

Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it won’t be easy for me

Mum: Now, what's our train number?

Dad: T27 to Lhasa. It's leaving from Platform 2.

Mum: The meeting in Lhasa is very important for us, but I'm sorry you can't come with us, Betty.

Betty: So am I, but I can't miss two weeks of school.

Mum: Will you remember everything I've told you? Be especially careful with the door. Shut it when you're in and lock it when you go out.

Betty: Yes. Mum. l can look after myself, although it won't be easy for me.

Mum: Well, make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. And I've left lots of your favourite biscuits.

Betty: Don't worry. I can cook simple meals.

Dad : There won't be anybody to wake you up in the morning.

Betty: I'll be fine. My clock rings so loudly that it will certainly wake me up.

Mum: I'm sure I've forgotten something, but I don't know what it is!

(Announcement: We advise all passengers for Train T27 to Lhasa to go immediately to Platform 2. Your train is about to leave.)

Betty: That's your train! Goodbye Mum, goodbye Dad.

Mum: I know! I haven’t given you our address in Lhasa!

Betty': Send me a text message. Have a good trip!

Mum: Bye, my dear!

Betty: Bye! See you in a couple of weeks!

II Phrases

1. be careful with ___________________

2. go out ___________________

3. look after ___________________

4. make sure ___________________

5. wake sb up ___________________

6. be about to ___________________

7. a couple of ___________________

8. text message ___________________

9. Have a good trip ! ___________________

10. be important for ___________________

III Language Points


They went to the zoo yesterday. So did we.他们昨天去了动物园。我们也去了。

(2)“neither+助动词/be动词/情态动词+另一主语”为倒装结构,表示另一个主语与前面所述的否定情况一样。Neither 也可以用nor 代替。

---I can't speak French.

---Neither/Nor can I.


---He will speak at the morning meeting tomorrow. 他明天将在会上发言。

---So he will. 的确如此。

IV Practice


1.Don't forget to s________ the door when you leave the room.

2.The thief went into the room because the host forget to l________the door.

3.I was late for the class because my alarm c_________didn't go off(响).

4.I r_______ the door bell, but nobody answered.

5.---Why didn't you write to me?

---Because I couldn't remember your a_________.

6.The job is so s_______ that everybody can do it well.


1.There will be an important __________(会议) this afternoon.

2.There isn't ___________(任何人) in the room.

3.The driver asked all the ____________(乘客)to get off the bus quickly.

4.David usually sends ________ ________(短信)to his friends.

5.There are ________ ________ ________(少数几个)tall buildings in the village.


1. The teacher asked us to be careful ________ all our things.

A. with B. on C. in D. of

2. I can't go out with you because I have to stay at home and ________ my sick brother.

A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after

3. I was late for school because my mother forgot to _______ .

A. wake up me B. wake me up C. wake up him D. wake him up

4. The box is __________ heavy that I can't carry it.

A. too B. so C. such D. much

5. ---I'm going to London for a trip.


A. Have a good trip B. The same to you C. That's all right D. Thank you


1. 我父母不允许我晚上出去。

My parents don't allow me to ______ _______ at night.

2. 我确信你能做好这件事。

I _______ _______ you can do it well.

3. 那有少数几个正在打篮球的学生。

There are _______ ________ _________ students playing basketball..

4. ---我们都喜欢流行音乐。


---We all like pop music.

---_________ _________ _______.

5. 他们下午打算去野餐。

They ________ ________ _________ go on a picnic this afternoon.


A “blog” is like an online diary. David writes his first blog.


Hello! I am in computer science class right now. We have some free time before the bell rings, so I thought I would start my blog. It was Sarah’s idea. Both our parents have been complaining about our long distance telephone b ills. Now, we can’t call each other very often. Sarah thinks we can keep in touch by reading each other’s blogs. So here goes...

I am having a hard time right now, to be honest. I am not doing very well in history at school. I am trying really hard, but I am still getting low marks. My dad says that I can’t join the football team. Anyway, Allen said that he would help me with homework after school today. It’s pretty bad when your elder brother feels sorry for you!

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I usually pay attention in c lass and I do all my homework. But during the test, I read the questions over and over again, but I don’t know what to write. Gosh! There are so many facts and dates to remember in history. How can I remember them all?

So...does anyone have any study tips for me? Sarah says that I should eat more fish. I don’t know if that will help, but I will try! If I pass the test, I’ll thank the seafood!



61. Where is David right now?


62. What does David’s dad say?


63. Who is Allen?


64. Why does David feel history difficult?


65. What does Sarah advise David to eat?




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