
第八讲 Module 3 Heroes Unit 1

I Text

Ms li: Daming, who is your hero? Who have you chosen to tell us about?

Daming: Deng Yaping! She's my hero because she's one of the best table tennis players in the world and I love playing table tennis.

Ms Li: Tell us about her.

Daming: Well, she started playing table tennis when she was five. She trained hard, so she became a great player later.

Ms Li: And what competitions has she won?

Daming: She's won many world competitions, including four gold medals in the Olympics. She stopped playing when she was twenty- four.

Ms Li: What did she do after that?

Darning: She began to study at Tsinghua University in Beijing and then attended university abroad. Her English wasn't good enough when she began. Once again she worked hard, and seven years later, she completed her doctor's degree at Cambridge University. Whatever she does, she never gives up!

Ms Li: That's amazing!

Daming: Yes. Deng says that she isn't cleverer than anyone else, but she has a very strong will.

Ms Li: I see. Well. I think she's a good student as well as a good player.

Daming: Yes, and she helped make the Beijing Olympics a victory for world sport. She's simply the best!

Ms Li: She's a true hero.

II Phrases

1. choose to do sth ___________________

2. good enough ___________________

3. including ___________________

4. stop doing sth ___________________

5. once again ___________________

6. doctor's degree ___________________

7. never gives up ___________________

8. a very strong will ___________________

9. as well as ___________________

10. a true hero ___________________

III Language Points

Attend 上(学);出席;参加(事件或活动)

He attended a meeting yesterday. 他昨日参加了一次会议。

We don't have to attend school on weekends.我们周末不用上学。

They are going to attend Tom's wedding ceremony next week. 他们将会参加Tom 下周的婚礼。


① take part in常指参加较大型的活动。

e.g. take part in the Olympic Games 参加奥运会

② join指参加某个组织, 团体, 成为其中的一员。

e.g. join the army    参军 join the Party 入党

③ join in指参加某项活动,可指小型活动,也可以和take part in互换,指参加大型活动;

与某人一起做某事,或加入某人做某件事的行列,用join sb. in(doing) sth. 。

e.g. Will you join us in the game?

④ attend指参加会议、集会、讲座、学校等,指到场,出席。

e.g. attend a meeting 参加会议 attend school 上学

ex. 用take part in,join,join in,attend的适当形式填空。

① He did not ______________ the meeting yesterday.

② Are you going to ______________ the first experiment?

③ Will you ______________ us ______________the games?

④ They are going to ______________ the singing.

⑤ It is three years since he ______________ the army.


⑥ 他已经参加过三次奥运会。


⑦ 我哥哥已经参军两年了。


IV Practice


1. --- It's too hard for me to be a trailwalker.

--- Never_________. Believe in yourself.

A. So he has; so have you B. So he has; so you have

C. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have

2. We are tired. Why not stop ________ to have a rest?

A. walk B. walked C. walking D. to walk

3. We want to go to the zoo _______ we like animals so much.

A. although B. because C. while D. until

4. The film is very __________.Tom is very ___________________.

A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting C. exciting; exciting D. excited; excited

5. _________ you do, don't ask for trouble.

A. Wherever B. Whatever C. However D. Whoever


1. 上周我选择加入红队。

Last week I ______ _______ ________ the red team.

2. 老师告诉了我们关于考试的事。

The teacher _______ _______ _______ the exam.

3. 它是中国最成功的戏剧之一。

It is _______ ________ _________ ________ __________ plays in China.

4. 她病了,所以没去上钢琴课。

He was ill, ________ _________ _________ go and have the piano lesson.

5. 他既种花又种菜。

He grows flowers ________ ________ _________ vegetables.

Teenager Brian Robeson was traveling from the USA to Canada to see his father. He was the only passenger in a small plane,high above the Canadian mountains, when suddenly the pilot had a heart disease and died!

Brian was frightened. He was shaking, but he tried not to panic. Below him, he could see a lake. He turned the plane towards the lake and,unbelievably, he landed on the water. Brian got out of the plane. He swam to the beach and then he fell asleep.

When Brian woke up the next morning, he was cold and hungry. The boy only had the clothes he was wearing and a small hatchet—a present from his mother. Then he remembered a TV programme about how to live in the wild. He made a shelter(栖息处)with grass and some branches from the trees. He used his hatchet to cut wood and started a fire. He ate fruit from the forest. He caught fish in the lake and killed rabbits with some tools made by himself.

One day, a few weeks later, Brian was fishing by the lake when he heard a noise. He could see a plane above the trees. It was looking for him! Quickly, he made a fire, and the pilot saw the smoke. After fifty-four days in the Canadian woods, Brian's amazing adventure was finally over.

46. What happened when Brian was traveling to Canada?

A. Something was wrong with the plane. B. He felt frightened at the high mountains.

C. Nobody could fly the plane for him anymore. D. The pilot died of heart disease and fell off the plane.

47. Where did the plane land?

A. On the beach. B. On top of the mountains. C. On the lake. D. In the woods.

48. Which is the correct order for what Brian did on the beach? 【细节理解题】

① He made a shelter. ② He started a fire. ③ He fell asleep. ④ He ate fruit from the forest.

A. ③①②④ B. ②①④③ C. ④②①③ D. ①②③④

49. What does the underlined word “hatchet” most probably mean in Chinese? 【词义推测题】

A. 锤子 B. 斧头 C. 钳子 D. 螺丝刀

50. Which is TRUE according to the passage? 【细节理解题】

A. Brian played with rabbits to kill time. B. A TV programme Brian once watched was helpful.

C. Brian stayed on the beach for over two months. D. A plane passing by saved Brian at last.



On June 26, 2000, two scientists, called Francis Collins and Craig Venter, told the world that they could now read the whole “map” of the human body: DNA. DNA is something that everybody has, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is the reason that we look like our mother and father, because we get some of their DNA to make our own.

People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Gregor Mendel discovered a special reason why we look the same as other people in our family. It is because of small things named “genes” in our body. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick made another discovery and found out that those small parts are real messages written in the DNA with a special language.

In 1961, Marshall Nirenberg and Johann Matthaei found a message in DNA showing how DNA tells the cell (细胞) to build its parts. Scientists have now found all the words in the DNA map, but we still do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just one “word” means, we can help save more people from several illnesses.

Most people hope that this will help make better medicine and help sick people. Other people worry that when people begin to know more words and find out lots of other information, we might use it in a wrong way, just to make people more attractive, or stop sick people from getting jobs. Man would have to meet a lot of trouble if DNA technic wasn’t limited in use.

51. When did we first know why we look like other people in our family?

A. In 1860. B. In 1953. C. In 1961. D. In 2000.

52. What does the underlined word “gene” mean?

A. The “map” of DNA. B. A special language.

C. Small parts of DNA. D. DNA.

53. What did the two scientists first discover in 1961?

A. The “map” of DNA. B. A new illness.

C. The language of DNA. D. A message of DNA.

54. What can we do if we understand some “words” of the language inside the body?

A. Make people get new jobs. B. Make medicine for illnesses.

C. Make maps of human. D. Make people less attractive.

55. What do people think about this work?

A. It can cause good or bad results. B. It can cause only good results.

C. It can cause good results but won’t work. D. It can cause only bad results.


Twentieth Century Inventions

●●●1903—The first flight succeeded.

In 1900, Wilbur Wright said flight was possible for man. After much work he and his brother Orville Wright made this dream come true.

On December 17, 1903, the brothers made the first successful airplane flight on a windy beach at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The brothers’ plane flew 120 feet. Although the flight lasted only 12 seconds, it moved the course of history in a new direction.

●●●1935—Nylon was invented.

In 1928, a new chemical lab was opened to make a kind of man-made materials. Wallace Carothers took part in the team when he was 32 years old.

In 1934, he made fibers (纤维), but the fibers were quite weak. He didn’t give up. After many experiments, he produced the long and strong fibers in 1935. They named the fibers “nylon”. Carothers was very satisfied with his work.

Nylon hit the markets in 1939, and quickly became a replacement of silk. But it was a pity that he didn’t see the wide use of his invention. He died in April, 1937.

●●●1968—The computer mouse was first shown in public.

As a graduate student, Douglas Engelhard began to imagine ways in which all sorts of information could be on screens.

In 1964, Douglas Engelhard made the first computer mouse. The computer mouse had a wooden shell with two metal wheels.

In 1968, the first computer mouse appeared in public. It was named “mouse” because a tail came out at the end. In later years, the computer mouse became more and more important.

Douglas Engelhard changed the way that computers worked.

Now computer mice are becoming increasingly useful. And there are many different shapes of computer mice in the world.


56. ___________ Invention Time Influence

Wilbur Wright and his brother airplane 1903 57.__________________

Wallace Carothers nylon 1935 58. __________________

Douglas Engelhard 59. _______ 1964 60. __________________

46---50 CCABB

51—55 ACDBA

56. Inventor(s) 57. The two brothers moved the course of history in a new direction.

58. The fibers became a replacement of silk. / It took the place of silk.

59. computer mouse 60. Douglas Engelhard changed the way that computers worked.





  比热容  1.比热容概念    2.不同物质的吸放...



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