第2课时(Section A Grammar Focus-4c)



名 词:s________讲话;发言


兼类词:1.E________ adj.欧洲(人)的 n.欧洲人

2.A________ adj.非洲(人)的 n.非洲人

3.p________ n.民众 adj.公开的;公众的



1.________ glasses戴眼镜

2.________ history欧洲历史

3.________ culture非洲文化

4. at________至少




1.Grace ________ ________ ________ a lot of TV.格瑞斯过去常常看很多电视。

2.She didn't ________ ________ watch a lot of movies.她过去不怎么看电影。



That's a ________ island.


I was ________ but I didn't feel ________.


3.Susan used to take the bus to school.(改为否定句)


4.I used to walk along the road after supper.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)




(  )5.I ________ keep dogs for protection, but now I keep them as pets.

A.would rather B.had better

C.used to D.have to

(  )6.Chinese people ________ keep pigs for food.But now some people keep them as pets.(2012年四川遂宁)

A.used to B.has to

C.had better


1.We attend the ________ (欧洲的) music concert.

2.I like ________ (英国的) culture.

3.I make a ________ (发言) in the meeting.

4.The park now is open to the ________ (民众).

5.Fish is a staple (主食) in the diet of many ________ (非洲人).


1.I didn't use________ (be) popular.

2.I ________ (use) to water my flowers.

3.He enjoys ________ (listen) to the radio.

4.I am afraid of ________ (go) out at night.

5.To be healthy, we should eat a lot of ________ (vegetable).


(  )1.—Don't smoke any more.It's bad for your health.

—I'm trying to________.It's really hard, you know.

A.turn it on B.put it off

C.give it up D.take it out

(  )2.I ________ get up late, but now I get up very early.

A.used to B.ar e used to

C.am used to D.am used for

(  )3.Don't ________ today's work for tomorrow.Today's work must be done today.

A.put up B.put out

C.put off D.give up

(  )4.In our hospital, the number of women doctors ________ larger and larger.

A.is B.are

C.be D.been

(  )5.In some western countries, shops are closed ________ weekends.

A.in B.to

C.at D.with

(  )6.—A number of volunteers ________ willing to teach in China's rural areas.

—Yes, the number is getting ________.

A.is; bigger and bigger

B.are; bigger and bigger

C.is; more and more

D.are more and more

(  )7.Here is the book and you can keep it for ________ one month.

A.at last B.at least

C.in end D.in least

(  )8.—Is Tom in the next room?

—Well, it's hard to say.But I heard him ________ loudly when I passed by just now.

A.speak B.to speak

C.spoken D.speaking

(  )9.I really enjoyed your speech, ________ there were some parts I didn't quite understand.

A.because B.for

C.until D.though

(  )10.You look worried! Is ________ all right?

A.everything B.something

C.anything D.nothing


(  )1.Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream come true?

(  )2.In November 1988, he was named a revolutionary martyr (革命烈士) and set up as an example for other teenagers to follow.

(  )3.Please tell the association if any lights are not working.

(  )4.Qu Yuan—one of the greatest poets in ancient China.

(  )5.It caused a tsunami(海啸) and a nuclear leak (核泄露).

Thousands of people died and millions of Japanese lost their homes. A.A big earthquake happened in Japan a few months ago.It was 9.0 on the Richter scale (里氏).

B.As teenagers, you have many dreams.These dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize, or they can be small.You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.

C.Zongzi is a traditional food in China which is eaten on the Duanwu Festival to honour Qu Yuan who threw himself into the Miluo River on May 5th according to the Chinese calendar.

D.The main lights are on a timer and they stay on for five minutes when you press them.

E.In 1988, Lai Ning died from trying to put out a forest fire when he was only 14 years old.

F.There is not enough oil in the world now.As time goes by, it becomes less and less.

G.Team spirit means the willingness of people to work together and help each other as part of a team.





John was ten years old and ...



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