
1) 去观光_________________ 2)充满,装满__________ 3) 在……的末尾_________________

4)不幸,倒霉 _______________5)由于,因为 _____________6)玩得开心_____________________


( ) 1._______ the heavy rain this morning, we couldn’t get to school on time.

A. Thanks to B. Because C. Because of

( )2. _____ the heavy rain this year, the people in the countryside have enough water to drink.

A. Thanks to B. Because C. Because of

( )3. _______ it rained heavily this morning, so the ground is wet now.

A. / B. Because C. Because of

( ) 4. To keep healthy, you _______ so much junk food.

A. have better to give up eating B. had better to give up eating C. had better give up eating

( ) 5. Edison is an active boy whose mind ________ strange ideas.

A. is full of B. is fill with C. fill in

( ) 6. Keep trying. I believe you will succeed ________.

A. at the end of B in the end C. by the end of

( ) 7. There is __________ room in my bag.

A. many B. plenty of C. lot of

( ) 8. With the development of the technology, we can get ______ information on the internet.

A. a lots of B. many C. plenty of

( ) 9.When I have time, I often _____________.

A. by bike to work B. go to work by bike C. take a bike to work

( ) 10. ---How was your holiday in Sanya? ---_______.

A. We will have a good time. B. Your are right. C. Not bad.

( ) 11. Why is ______ travel so difficult in winter?

A. / B. the C. a

( ) 12. We flew to HongKong. ________ flight was long----it took us 3 hours!

A. an B. the C. a

( ) 13.Five years ago, he was _____ university student of ______ maths.

A. a, / B. an, the C. an, /

( ) 14. Can you tell me _________ to Beijing yesterday?

A. when you flew B. when did you fly C. where you flew

( ) 15.---I missed the train, so I was late. ---_______.

A. You have to say sorry. B. Bad luck. C. Don’t do it again.


1.坐飞机去北京怎么样? How / What about _____________________?

2.下午坐公交车观光怎么样? _______________________________________ this afternoon?

M1 U2


1)下车______________ 2) 动身,出发__________________3)在…的开始___________________



( ) 1.Don’t _________ off the lights before you leave the room.

A. forget to turn B. forget turning C. forget turn

( ) 2.I ____________ off the light before and I went to the room again.

A. forget to turn B. forget turning C. forget turn

( ) 3. There is a tree _______________ the house.

A. in front of B. in the front of C. in front

( ) 4. The driver is sitting _____________ the bus.

A. in front of B. in the front of C. in front

( ) 5. We go to Foshan __________.

A. by foot B. by a bus C. by land

( ) 6. I often go to school ____ foot, but I had to go to school ____ taxi now because of rain.

A. by; by B. on; in C. on; by

( ) 7. Anna ________ the bus and found John sitting next to the driver.

A. got on B. gets off C. gets on

( ) 8. I own a big house _______ a nice garden.

A. has B. with C. with

( ) 9. I like the moon cakes _____ nuts in it.

which has B. have C. with

( ) 10. _____ water or air, one cannot live on.

A. With B. Without C. Has

( ) 11. Mr Lin isn’t here. He _______ Guangzhou on business. He will be back in two days.

A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been in

( ) 12. Mr Smith couldn’t find his key. He forgot _______.

A. when it was B. what it was C. where it was

( ) 13. Let’s ask Jim about the Internet. He knows ________ about it.

A. a few B. little C. a little

( ) 14. —_______ will you have final exam ? —In half a month.

A. How long B. How often C. How soon

( ) 15. What _______ fine weather we have these days!

A. a B. the C. /


1. 明天她一回来我就把好消息告诉她。

I will tell her the good news _____________________________ back tomorrow.

2. 他们想早点出发,以便准时能到达那里。

They wanted to___________________early in order to get there on time.

3. 老师鼓励学生不要放弃学习。

The teacher encouraged the students not to _________________________________.






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