人教九年级英语Unit 3 Reading同步习题及答案

(20分钟 50分)

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)

1. She was walking with her mother when the bell r_________.

2. There are many h_________ in Chinese history, such as Zheng Chenggong.

3. What were you doing when you h_________ the exciting news?

4. He f_________ to Beijing last week.

5. The children often play soccer on the p_________ after school.

Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)

1. Don’t you think they are both national _________ (hero)?

2. Three people _________ (kill) in an accident a moment ago.

3. It’s time for the meeting. Please keep _________ (silence).

4. What _________ (happen) last night?

5. I _________ (hear) a strange noise last night.

Ⅲ. 单项选择(10分)

1. _________ the boys were fighting, the police arrived.

A. Then B. While

C. Before D. As soon as

2. Do you remember _________ at 10 a. m. yesterday?

A. what are you doing B. what you are doing

C. what were you doing D. what you were doing

3. —Look, there is thick smoke coming out of that building. What’s _________ over there?

—It’s on fire because of a gas explosion (煤气爆炸).

A. happening B. taking place

C. happen D. take place

4. Our teacher told us _________ too much time _________ watching TV.

A. don’t take; on B. not to take; in

C. not to spend; in D. don’t to spend; on

5. China sent Shenzhou Ⅸ into space successfully _________ June 16th, 2012.

A. in   B. at   C. to   D. on

Ⅳ. 完成句子,每空一词(10分)

1. We were surprised when we _________ _________ (听说) that accident.

2. What were you doing when the fire _________ (发生) last night?

3. At that time, the boys were not talking aloud. They were reading together _________ _________ (静静地).

4. The date, August 8th, 2008 _________ great _________ (有意义)to Chinese.

5. Luckily, the park _________ _________ _________ _________ (不像……一样拥挤) before when we got there.

Ⅴ. 补全对话 (10分)


A. Who helped you mend the kite?

B. What were you doing yesterday afternoon?

C. Who did you fly kites with?

D. It blew yesterday, didn’t it?

E. Were you busy yesterday?

F. Where did you fly the kite?

G. Did you have a good time yesterday?

A:  1

B: I was flying a kite.

A:  2

B: By the river. Lots of children were flying kites there.

A:  3

B: Yes, but the wind wasn’t strong. It was good weather for flying a kite.

A:  4

B: Zhang Hua and Li Lei. They both bought two new kites and got there earlier than I did.

A:  5

B: Yes, we played there for about three hours.

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________

Ⅵ. 阅读理解(10分)

Our reporter asked people what they were doing on July 20th,1969 when man first walked on the moon.Here is what they said:

Kate Jones,waitress I remember that day very well.I was fifteen years old.It was a hot and humid day,and I was with my family in the mountains.We were having a picnic.We didn’t see the moon landing when it happened,but we were thinking about it. We saw it later on the TV news.

John Bates,postman I was eighteen years old.It was a very exciting day.I was watching TV at home when the astronaut walked on the moon.His name was Neil Armstrong. I remember he could jump really high because people aren’t so heavy on the moon. When he returned,he became a national hero in America,and famous all over the world.

Paul Robinson,doctor I was twelve.I remember the day,but I don’t remember what I was doing.I remember I wanted to go to the moon,too. My dream was to become an astronaut and fly in a rocket. I wanted to see the earth from the moon.The astronauts on the moon said that the earth looked very beautiful from there.

Linda Brown,clerk I was working that day.I was twenty then.I didn’t see the man land on the moon because I was busy.Of course I knew about it. I read about it in the newspaper the next day. I thought it was amazing.Maybe one day people will travel to the moon for vacations!

Mark Green,teacher I was only seven years old then.My parents talked about it,and I learned about it later in school,but I don’t remember the day. I was too young to remember. Maybe I was having fun in the playground with my friends when it happened.


( )1. Man first walked on the moon on July 20th, 1969.

( )2. The waitress Kate Jones was having a picnic with her friends in the park when man first walked on the moon.

( )3. The postman John remembers that he was watching TV at home, but the doctor Paul doesn’t remember what he was doing when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.

( )4. The clerk Linda saw the man land on the moon while she was working that day.

( )5. Mark, the teacher, can remember clearly that he was having fun in the playground with his friends when it happened.


Ⅰ. 答案:1. rang  2. heroes  3. heard  4. flew  5. playground

Ⅱ. 答案:1. heroes  2. were killed  3. silent  4. happened  5. heard

Ⅲ. 答案: 1~5. BDACD

Ⅳ. 答案:1. heard about  2. happened  3. in silence  4. has; meaning

5. wasn’t as crowded as

Ⅴ. 答案: 1~5. BFDCG

Ⅵ. 答案:1~5. TFTFF








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