( ) 81. Three yearssince my brother joined the army.

A. has passed B. have passed C. passed D. passes

( ) 82. 4000 dollarsenough for me.

A. is B. are C. do D. does

( ) 83. Theretwo minutes left.

A. are B. is C. have D. has

( ) 84. I haven’t got anywith me.

A. change B. changes C. pay D. pays

( ) 85. There isn’tin the glass.

A. a lot of waters B. much water

C. much waters D. many water

( ) 86. She hadfor breakfast.

A. three piece of bread B. three pieces of bread

C. three piece of breads D. three pieces of breads

( ) 87. This isball, you should return it to him at once.

A. the boys B. the boy

C. the boys’D. the boy’s

( ) 88. There wasin the room.

A. a box banana B. a box of bananas

C. some boxes of bananas D. three box pens

( ) 89. I have.

A. three box of pen B. three boxes pens

C. three boxes of pens D. three box pens

( ) 90. Please bring us a glass of milk and.

A. four piece of bread B. four piece of breads

C. four pieces of bread D. four pieces of breads

( ) 91. They got muchfrom those new books.

A. ideas B. pictures C. information D. stories

( ) 92. Mr. Green gave uson how to learn the language.

A. an advice B. advices

C. some advice D. some advices

( ) 93. Pass me, will you?

A. two papers B. two piece paper

C. two pieces of paper D. two pieces of papers

( ) 94. The doctor had saved manyof the SARS patients before he lost his own.

A. life, life B. lives, life

C. lifes, life D. life, lives

( ) 95. There arein the garden.

A. a kind of flower B. all kinds of flowers

C. a few kind of flowers D. a few kinds of flower

( ) 96. Please pass me.

A. two glass of water B. two glasses of waters

C. two glasses of water D. two glass water

( ) 97. Less thanlived there twoago.

A. hundred of people, hundreds years

B. hundreds of peoples, hundred years

C. hundreds of people, hundred years

D. hundreds of people, hundreds year

( ) 98. Shall we takerest?

A. a few minute B. a few minute’s

C. a few minutes D. a few minutes’

( ) 99. Our uncle bought twofor us yesterday.

A. watchs B. watches C. the watches D. watch

( ) 100. The man over there isfather.

A. Lily’s and Lucy’s B. Lily’s and Lucy

C. Lily and Lucy’s D. Lily and Lucy





  ●时间和时刻:  ①时刻的定义:时刻是指某一瞬时,...



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