
61. —Hello,Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing?

—I’m watching a match. It started at 7:00 p.m and _____ on for another an hour. A.has been

B.was C.had been D.will be

解析:选 D. 本题考查时态。根据语境:比赛还要进行一个小时。用一般将来时。

62. —__________? —Things are going very well. A. How soon does it go

B. How often does it go C. How far is it go

D. How is everything going

解析:选 D. 本题变相测试学生的口语能力以及对日常会话的理解 How is everything going 意思为:近况如何?,只有 D 项符合题意。

63. The population of the world in the 20th century became very much _________ than that in the 19th.

A. bigger

B. larger

C. greater

D. more

解析:选 B. 本题考查 population 人口大小的固定用法,即由 larger 修饰。根据连词 than 不难选出 B 答案。

64. —What’s the weather like tomorrow? —The radio says it is going to be even ______. A. bad

B. worst C. badly D. worse

解析:选 D. even 修饰比较级。而且根据语境应该是明天的天气比今天更加糟糕。

65. Though she talks ______, she has made _______ friends here.

A. a little, a few

B. little, few

C. little, a few

D. few, a few

解析:选 C. 根据句意: 尽管她不太说话,但她在这里交了几个朋友。

66. —My parents never stop going on about(唠叨) how I should study hard.


A. So my parents do B. Nor my parents C. Nor do my parents

D. Neither my parents do

解析:选 C. 此题考查倒装句,因为前面句中有否定词 never, 故后面倒装句是 nor/neither+ 助动词+主语。

67. He never does his work _______ Mary.

A. as careful as

B. so careful as

C. as carefully as

D. carefully as

解析:选 C. 副词的同级比较,副词修饰动词,排除 A, B. as…as…与......一样......。

68. Many Chinese students think science subjects are ________ foreign languages.

A. more difficult as

B. less difficult than

C. much difficult than

D. so difficult as

解析:选 B. 此题可以采用排除法。选择 A 的话必须把 more 改为 as 或把 as 改为 than; 如果选择 C, 则应该把 much 改为 more 或在 much 后面加 more; 选择 D 则需要把 so 改为 as。

69. _________ music she is playing! A. What nice

B. How nice C. What a nice D. How nice a

解析:选 A.。 music 是不可数名词,构成 what+形容词+不可数名词+主谓!

70. His work is better than __________.

A. anyone

B. anyone else

C. anyone else’s

D. anyone’s else

解析:选择 C. 此题容易误选 B. 比较级中,比较的对象应该前后一致。His work 应该与

anyone else’s work 相比较。



  李艳琴  艾芜作为三十年代“左翼”青年作家之一。他...





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