( )51. The son wants his mother _______ him up at six o’clock every day.

A. to ring

B. ring

C. rings

D. ringing

( )52. --- I often use Hotmail to send e-mails.

--- Really? Would you please show me _______ it?

A. how can I use

B. what can I use

C. how to use

D. what to use

( )53. Tell the boy _______ out of the window.

A. not to look

B. to not look

C. don’t look

D. not look

( )54. Did you hear her _______ in the next room just now?

A. singing

B. sing

C. to sing

D. sang

( )55. How long does it take you _______ your homework every evening?

A. finish doing

B. finishing to do

C. to finish doing

D. finish to do

( )56. Have you decided _______ ?

A. to go with whom

B. whom to go with

C. whom go with

D. with who to go

( )57. Remember ______ the lights when you leave the office.

A. to turn off

B. turning off

C. turn off

D. to turning off

( )58. Her hope _______ the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. to take part in

B. is to take part in

C. taking part in

D. will take part in

( )59. The room isn’t big enough _______ so many people.

A. holding

B. hold

C. to hold

D. holds

( )60. You’d better not spend more time _______ computer games.

A. for playing

B. in playing

C. to play

D. plays



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