46.operate vi.机器运转工作;做手术→vi.起作用

  The medicine operated(起作用)quickly.

  47.position n.位置;职位→n.立场;观点

  What's your position(观点)on the problem?

  48.promise v.& n.许诺→v.有……的希望;使……有可能

  The dark clouds promise(使……有可能)rain.

  49.read v.阅读→v.理解;领会

  I didn't read(领会)mother's thoughts at that time.

  50.say vt.说→vt.假定,显示,表明

  Say(假定)that war breaks out, what will you do?

  51.shoulder n.肩膀→v.承担

  Young people should learn to shoulder(承担)the blame.

  52.solid adj.固定的,坚硬的→adj.可靠的,可信赖的

  The research lacks solid(可靠的)evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.

  53.strength n.力,力量,体力→n.长处,强项

  A basketball coach must know the strengths(长处)and weaknesses of his players.

  54.taste v.品尝,尝出……味道→n.味道,鉴赏力,爱好

  While she was in Paris, she developed a taste(爱好)for fine art.

  55.sign n.符号,记号→n.迹象,预兆 v.签字,签署

  Bearing responsibility for his mistakes is a sign(征兆)of a man's maturity.

  Therefore, students should be advised to sign(签字)up as soon as possible.

  56.stand v.站,站立,直立→v.忍受 n.货摊

  The author could not stand(忍受)living in a wooden house.

  I found the fish stand(货摊)surrounded in a sea of customers.

  57.store n.(大型)百货商店→v.& n.贮藏,贮存,保存

  Although dams can be built to store(贮存)water for agricultural use in dry areas and dry seasons.

  58.treat vt.以…态度对待→vt.治疗,医治 v.&n.款待,招待

  The doctor is skilled at treating(治疗)heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good reputation.

  Let's go out for lunch—my treat(款待).

  59.walk v.& n.行走;步行→n.行业

  This society welcomes people from all walks(行业)of life.

  60.wear v.穿,戴→v.面带,流露;留(发,须等)

  I can still remember he was always wearing(面带)a smile and willing to help.




读书·书单:《低智商犯罪 》作者:紫金陈

基本信息书名:低智商犯罪作者:紫金陈标签:小说 悬疑内...



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