
  ability to do sth 做某事的能力

  be able to do sth 能做某事

  What about ...?  ……怎么样?

  How about ...? ……怎么样?

  be about to do sth 正要做某事

  above all 最重要的是;尤其是

  absent from 缺席……

  by accident 偶然;意外地

  act as 担任;充当;起……作用

  act out 把……表演出来;将……付诸行动

  take action 采取行动

  be active in (doing) sth 在 (做) 某事方面活跃

  add to 增加;增添

  add up 把……加起来

  add up to 合计达

  in addition 另外

  in addition to 除……之外

  take advantage of 利用

  advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事

  advise doing sth 建议做某事

  afford to do sth 承担得起做某事

  be afraid of (doing) sth 害怕/担心(做)某事

  be afraid to do sth 不敢做某事

  I'm afraid 恐怕;很遗憾

  after all 毕竟;终究再

  again and again 再三地;反复地

  at the age of 在……岁时

  long (long) ago  很久以前

  a long time ago 很久以前

  agree to do sth 同意做某事

  agree on 对……达成一致

  agree to 赞同;赞成(计划等)

  agree with  同意;赞同(意见等)

  come alive 活泼起来;生动起来

  all in all 总而言之

  in all 总共

  not at all 根本不;一点也不;不客气

  allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事

  It’s all right. 没事的;没关系

  That’s all right. 没关系。/ 不用谢。

  leave / let sb alone 不打扰某人;不管某人

  leave / let sth alone  不要动某物

  along with 与…一起

  be angry about / at / over sth 因为某事生气

  be angry at / with sb about / for sth 因为某事生某人的气

  one after another 一个接一个

  one another 互相;彼此

  anything but 决不;根本不

  the apple of sb’s eye 某人的掌上明珠;某人的心肝宝贝

  arrive at 到达(小地点)

  arrive in 到达(大地点)

  as for sb / sth 至于某人/某物

  as if 似乎;好像

  as though 似乎;好像

  as to sth 关于某事

  as ... as ... 像……一样……

  not as / so ... as ... 不像……一样……

  ask sb to do sth 请求做某事

  fall asleep 入睡;睡着

  attract attention of 吸引……的注意

  draw attention to 吸引对……的注意

  pay attention to 注意

  avoid doing sth 避免做某事



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