
  a piece of cake 一块蛋糕;很容易做到的事

  call back 回电话

  call off 取消

  call on / upon 号召;要求

  call up 打电话给

  make a call 打电话

  answer a call 接电话

  a summer camp 夏令营

  Can I help you? / What can I do for you?  我能为您效劳吗?

  take care 注意,当心

  take care of 照顾,照料

  care about sth 注意

  care about sb 关心;关怀

  care for 照顾;照料

  be careful about / of / with 当心……

  be careful (not) to do sth 当心(不要)做某事

  be careless about / with 对……粗心大意

  carry on 继续进行;开展

  carry out 执行;实行

  catch a cold 感冒

  be / get caught in 处于困境;遭遇

  catch sb’s eye 引起某人的注意

  catch up (with) 赶上(……);追上(……)

  cause ... to do sth 导致……做某事

  in the center of 在……中间

  be certain to do sth 肯定做某事

  be certain about / of sth 对某事有把握

  chance (for sb) to do sth (某人) 做某事的机会

  chance of (doing) sth (做)某事的可能性

  by chance 碰巧;意外地

  change (from ...) to / into … (从……)变成……

  change ... into / to … 把……变成……

  change sth with sb 与某人交换某物

  change … for … 用……交换……

  check in (at) (在旅馆、机场等) 登记;报到

  check into 登记入住 (旅馆或私立医院)

  check out 调查;核实;结账离开

  cheer up (使) 振作起来;(使) 高兴起来

  have no choice (but to do sth) 别无选择 (只好做某事)

  make a choice 作选择

  choose from 从……挑选

  choose to do sth 选择做某事

  choose sb as / for / to be 把某人选作……

  go to the cinema 去电影院

  have a class 上课

  in / after class 课上 / 课下

  clean up  (把……) 打扫干净

  clear up (天气) 转晴;清理

  close down 关闭;停业

  be close to 靠近……

  be close to doing sth 几乎就要做某事

  come to do sth 来做某事

  come across 偶然遇到;碰见

  come along 跟着来;出现

  come back 回来

  come by 顺路拜访

  come down 下来;下降

  come from 出生于;来自;产自

  come in 进来

  come on 快点;加油

  come out 出来;出版;发行

  come out of 从……出来

  come over 来访;拜访

  come up (to sb) 走近 (某人);靠近 (某人)

  come up with 想出;提出

  when it comes to (doing) sth 说到 (做) 某事

  it is common (for sb) to do sth (某人)做某事很常见

  have ... in common (with) (与……) 有……共同之处

  communicate with 与……交流

  compare A to / with B 把A同B作比较

  give / have / hold a concert  举办音乐会

  in conclusion 最后;总之

  in (a) good / bad condition 处于良好的 / 糟糕的状态

  connect ... to / with / and 把……与……连接起来 / 联系起来

  consider doing sth 考虑做某事

  consider ... (as / to be) ...  认为……是……

  continue doing / to do sth 继续做某事

  be in control of 控制……;管理……

  lose control of / over 对……失去控制;无法控制住……

  out of control 不受控制;失去控制

  take control of 控制;支配

  under control 受控制;受支配

  cool down / off (使) 变凉;(使) 冷却:(使) 冷静;(使) 平静

  (just) around / round the corner 在附近;即将来临

  cost sb sth 花费某人多少钱

  cost sth to do sth 花费金钱做某事

  count down 倒计时;倒数

  in the country 在乡下

  a couple of 一对;几个

  courage to do sth 做某事的勇气

  of course (not) 当然 (不)

  be crazy about 对……着迷;热衷于……

  cry out 大声叫喊

  get / have one’s hair cut  理发

  cut down 砍倒:减少;缩减

  cut in line 插队

  cut off 切掉;切断

  cut out 剪下;(从文字作品、文章中)删掉;剪出

  cut up 切碎;割碎








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